an avoided arab archive
Creating an avoided arab archive was, to me, an attempt at rehumanizing a dehumanized population. By compiling images of my family that I never grew up seeing the likes of in American media depicting community, childhood, security, and happiness, I sought out the human attributes that are generally omitted from public representation. An Arab man being a father rather than a terrorist, an Arab mother being appreciated rather than oppressed, and Arab youth experiencing childhoods rather than being victims of the inherent violence associated with the geographic region. These images were laser etched onto various materials and surfaces mimicking the diversity of this loosely defined demographic of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and then compiled together into a large historical plaque-like object. Referencing the long-lasting ancient and archaic works of art with the plaque format I am emphasizing the forth-coming presence and permanence of this version of an avoided Arab archive, an Arab Archive that soon the American public will no longer be able to avoid.
an avoided arab archive
plaster, spray paint, frames, laser etched images on wood, cardboard, dry wall, wallpaper, masonite
46.5” x 48”